Conceived and Directed By Jess Curtis
Created and Performed By Croi Glan’s Tara Brandel and Linda Fearon
Mobilised or frozen... alone at home in front of our screens do we transcend or are we trapped in our bodies? Created using a remote process with electronic media and social networking connecting San Francisco, Cork, Ireland and Berlin, Jess Curtis applies his familiar post-modern choreographic style influenced by a Berlin/San Francisco aesthetic to create this duet that Plays with the ups and downs of our bodies within our evolving digital culture. Does digital and social media enhance and democratize mobility or enforce immobilisation.
NOVEMBER 2-5, 2017
(Premiere) Intercontinental Collaborations #7
The Joe Goode Annex, San Francisco

Photos by Emma Jervis
Click image for detail

“Remote” was conceived and directed by Jess Curtis. Created and performed by Tara Brandel and Linda Fearon. Produced by Jess/Curtis Gravity on November 3, 2017 at Joe Goode Annex in San Francisco, CA.

Jess Curtis (Gravity Artistic Director) is an award-winning choreographer and performer committed to an art-making practice informed by experimentation, innovation, critical discourse and social relevance at the intersections of fine art and popular culture. Curtis has created and performed multidisciplinary dance theater throughout the U.S. and Europe with seminal group Contraband, the radical performance collective CORE and the experimental French Circus company Cahin-Caha, Cirque Batard. From 1991 to 1998 he co-directed the ground-breaking San Francisco performance venue 848 Community Space with Keith Hennessy and Michael Whitson. In 2000, Curtis founded his own trans-continental performance company, Jess Curtis/Gravity, based in Berlin and San Francisco. In 2011 he was presented the prestigious Alpert Award in the Arts for choreography and the Homer Avila Award for innovation in physically inclusive dance. He holds an MFA in Choreography and a Ph.D. in Performance Studies from the University of California at Davis. www.jesscurtisgravity.org
Tara Brandel (Artistic Director of Croí Glan Integrated Dance) h just completed a 2 year Dance Residency at Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre (including a Retrospective exhibition of 25 years of e choreography). Most recently h was nominated as part of Leonie McDonagh's Elk and Sainty as Best Performance Ensemble at Dublin Fringe '15, performed Gawky and Awkward at the San Francisco International Arts Festival, and been commissioned to choreograph a site specific Integrated Dance quartet at the D-CAF Festival in Cairo '17. He short dance film CAR will screen at the the Contact Dance International Film Festival in Toronto in April, and h is currently touring e new solo dance theatre show Cappaghglass, which looks at the current refugee crisis in Europe and our sense of displacement and belonging.
Linda Fearon (Performer/Collaborator Croí Glan Integrated Dance) has beendancing with Croi Glan since 2016 and dancing with Luminous Soul since 2009. She has performed at the Paralympic Flame Ceremony Belfast, Highlight Paralympic London, Bounce! Festival Belfast, The MAC Belfast, Surmount Parliament Building Belfast and many more. She trained with choreographers including Marc Brew, Caroline Bowditch, Claire Cunningham, Sheena Kelly, Kimberley Harvey and Janice Parker and danced with companies including Candoco Dance, Blue Eyed Soul dance, Maiden Voyage Dance, Echo Echo dance and Pony dance. Linda is a certified Disability Equality Trainer and currently vice-chairperson for The Arts and Disability Forum, Belfast.