Fall 2010
Berlin Creation Period, Potsdam, Liverpool Previews and Berlin World Premiere
10/25/10 – Uferstudios – Studio 2 – First day back
Jörg not arrived yet. Loaded into studio and did individual sessions with Claire and Maria. Still waiting on second box of props and costumes. Studio is big, warm and beautiful. Such a pleasure to be able to work here. Fresh sound system, fresh Marley floor ( hope we don’t fuck it up too much). Still a bit of construction going on as they are still hanging the trusses for lights etc.
Claire session 1pm – 3pm
Worked on Claire’s Virtual Reality Hands solo. Finally got to talk more about what she is doing there, working with her ‘butoh’ warm-up. moving, but interrupting as soon as a pattern becomes recognizable, she begins with thumbs, then moves to fingers and up arms until includes whole body.
I asked her to vary speed more, notice when an action associated to some realistic activity and interrupt this as well.
Worked with taking more time and letting some things really slow down. Overall quality should remain somewhat frantic though, or maybe more like rapid with skill born out of familiarity.
also to notice, play withand interrupt symmetry.
IN play with crutches play between. Crutch as object, Crutch as extension of self, Crutch as supportive elelment of the environment, Crutch as manipulator of the environment.
Once she begins to open out into space stay 3 dinmensional. Careful about pulling both crutches off floor. Can still return to sitting on one at any time.
slowing down and working with these variation this began to last 15 minutes
Worked with stuffing clothes. Not as interesting as fat suit which has built-in theatricality and simplicity. Asked Daniela to build another fat suit.
Worked with Roller skates. Especially interesting to work without letting them roll, so they become strange vestigial appendage. Going to floor nice. Walking and building up to a run is nice. Rolling floor work works. could make ballet, en-pointe reference, but Maria not so interested. I kind of like as silly reference.
Need to fix skate brake pads.
Had a nice class to begin the day. 5 students.
Maria, Claire, Bridge, Matthias, Daniela and then Yoann were all there.
Started with Remedial Curtis technique, working with porprioception, then did 30 minute observing exercise. Would have gone longer but Matthias had to catch a train.
Then took a break.
Then we did a 30 minute say what you’re doing improv. Nice sequence. I am lazy, The glove is disgusting, wonder
Keepers –
Boxing Gloves on Crutches
Elk Skull on Crutches
Elk Skull anywhere.
Maria and Claire in old Rigging Harnesses and Skates and Crutches.
Notes for Daniela
We need some kind of chalkboard. And, or something for Maria to rehearse with(big paper pads and markers?)
Waking up this morning anxious and troubled. Not sure how to work exactly in this moment. All of a sudden the status and PR investment we have poured into the installations feels a bit like a trap and I am feeling pressure that they should somehow be entertaining on a level I had not worried about before. Thinking about format and duration and should we have a score. How free should it be for improvising? Is it valid just to do everything longer? All these questions. Scaring the shit out of me a bit.
I have to say that I kind of like this troubled morning state somehow though. Feels like a growing engagement with the actual creation of the piece that is more interesting than waking up worrying about the visa applications. More interesting problems to solve.
Today’s Projects
Maria on Chalkboard/ lipsynch song
Claire with Objects
Time for Music at 4?
Impro – Open Set?gjk
Working more physically is theme. Maria leads through shaking warm-up etc.
I lead through Manipulation duets.
We make moves as though being manipulated. combine into phrase.
Claire and Bridge as back-up singers with Claire hand/arm movement.
Jess on Walker – Claire calling ‘faker’
Jess – head stand in toilet, balancing with–talk through
Maria working in chalk board
Irene Notes –
he tennis ball with the crutches: Hockey (Le crutch), golf, billiards, tennis.
- Duet J+B= J playing with the walker: turning, exploring it, balancing it, making it more comfortable…
B Poses-dance in his side
- J talking mic:
1. About the process, ideas, "I always talk a lot during the process but anything seems interesting enough to go to stage"
2. About broadcast, Facebook, dancing, talking
3. About his father and his situation(he needs help to move). connection with the walker. M+C talking on top words that rime: faker, talker, -er,
- B dancing with the music with the head covert with the T-shirt
- M+C duet dancing class: kind of unison rehearsing classical dance steps
- J Making shadows on the projection on the wall. Small movement sequence walking in a line
- M+C+B Singing "Where did the love go". M is the main voice, B+C accompanying. There are parts of the song where they don't know the lyrics.
- M writing on the board. going to the mic and trying to talk, after the 3rd try the mic is on and she reads what she wrote- playing also with the order.
- J rolling on the floor and doing the moved-dance phrase and putting enphasi on some movements with a repetition. There is a connection with the music
- C+B duet standing.back up singers / harms-dance and gradually taking it into the hole body
- image: J headstand on the toilet with the walker, the paper (blackboard) hanging referring his shape, M facing the wall with the blond wig, C in the other side of the room headstand on the crutches, Mth talking in German
- What is an honest dance?
- sift from action to making a landscape: Action-image-let it resonate
- Where are common physicalities?
- Potential in the misunderstanding
worked with Maria on “ Contemporary Dance.” She is in resistance mode and won’t go with any of my first suggestions, variation of Say what you do.
I realize I am mostly pretty happy with how this material looks as she improvises her way across the stage anyway, but keep trying. Partly responding to her desire to ‘be directed”. Translation she wants to be directed but in the very particular ways she understands as ‘being directed.’ What I ask of her is apparently not directing, and only freezes her own process. this reminds me so much of last project with Sara and Contraband. I am a little sad to acknowledge that this feels like the last thing we will do together. Working like this is not that fun or useful, although if you can hang in there and keep your sanity and use what comes up on the right way, it can produce very strong work. (Mira Cycle II)
Maria repeat as punctuation insolo
Work with Bridge on ‘presence’.
Work with Bridge and Claire on arms as duet.
First day with Jörg. Claire, Bridge and Matthias all there.
No Maria
Mira, Daniela, Irene also there
Clarie led session with crutches – ended with subtle improv from corners all executing “Contemporary crutch technique.” Spinal meditation at corners and then approach gradually building up speed/frequency.
Chaotic day beginning in new studio space. U-bahn gesperrt and Maria sick. Did Sensing work with Bridge Claire and Jörg (Subject/Object) and worked on first section as 1 hour installation score.
Video Notes
2:10 Don’t need space man here maybe?
Guillermo could appear on Matthias computer as well?
Bridge still too much. Less n general and not affected.
Claire stairs good. Start with normal stairs though.
B – No dancing for a long time. Just be present in your body.
Claire –Yes eventually both sides.
Daniela/Claire Object arrangement design
11:20 Claire Second trip
Bridge Kneeling/looking good – yes Be patient
Mannequin in mirror cool.
Matthias entrance good – Carry more??
‘A day’ as dramaturgy
Face cover is too tricky, need to se your eyes and face here. Or the object needs to be more special.
‘neutral’ costumesneed to be set. changing, not in center.
No choreography.
Eyes/Sensing/ Beign Present. all the objects are precious. fold and place.
We all need to see each other a bit more. Be available to eye contact.
Jörg Fridge is good.
B- Wall, focus on the feeling with your hand it is not a side issue the touch should lead you through the objects. not about showing the hand. Do less, Feelmore Hand should be the center not the periphery.
Reading??? thinking is Moving – Like this text, Micro phone?
Fridge should be upstage.
B- Walk aroundfridge is good, but I need to feel the motivation in your senses.
Pointing up not it. or needs to be really specific.
Claire- Could hit me harder if this comes up again. or bonk on head.
B- with Globe good, want to see more detail in your fingers.
M and J – Spacing (Generally all is to much to SR) What was this interaction.
B- See you searching. need your face. the Gender discourse needs to be a little simpler at first. This section should be more ‘male’ Moustache ad glasses. don’t try so hard.
Red Riding Hood
Good work with Bridge, pulling her back into simple. Red Riding hood becomes something
Claire as part of this
End on fridge??
Silly and fun Lion Balances and Bridge as ring master.
40 minute run through from “in dreams” through bike and dance section.
Hard day - Maria suggested maybe she needs to drop out of project.
Budget is somehow a little fucked. I am tired.
Video notes: Try Fridge USR
Where does Bridge sit? Already CS on Floor?
Jörg should be dressing during song and come through the audience.
Bridge dance in Center? Is this a place for choreography?
Jess walking with Walker?
Re learn Tactus
Bridge – socks? Shoes? don’t cover with left shoulder. Move back but don’t turn away. The sit is too formal. Jörg touch return I s good.
Low level reach and hand grab is great. How do we get Jörg to the floor. Box is too blow job I think.
Where do we dress?
Bridge either transition to Lion Tameer in center
Maria enter as Lion. soon. Hold space.
Maria writes on Chalk Board the lyrics to “The man I love” and pulls down her pants.
Maria removes words from the song.
Maria describes actions
Interogates actions in the space
Does she have a voice?
What are potential long images? Could lions have a whole section of their own and interact with both Claire and Bridge (me or Matthias??)
What if everyone picked one look to be in for a whole hour?
Improv Run - Third section material.
Bridge in Mirror yes
Jörg hanging clothes yes
B- Godzilla not it. Still too much motion.
Ekain isgreat with Matthias
J- Walker slow with gazing – needs “ faker acknowledgement.
Bridge – what would relation to Godzilla be.
Tulip song not here. I don’t understand any of the words.
Bridge on Podest is good
Stilness is nice
J- toilet head.
Jörg Dance as blue man in gloves
Maria still still
Everyone dancing to ‘Light My Fire” is good again.
Jörg Parcours yes
Maria Jörg in corner
Je- speaking about image
Matthias interviews
Fallen is ‘cheesy’
Development of the work
Ekain beats yes
Maria dances
Everyone dances, Chalkboard in center as divider.
Nice dancing Bridge
Trying to get on Fridge
Maria -Lip Sync Bach?
Maria down with Pants down. Skates Down at End.
Brdge in Final section? Become Girl?
‘Making of’ Video
Photos with Sven today on Location. One at a time excursions with him out to Wedding locations for staged photos with each persona.
Video Notes from First Half Run
Floor spacing good.
Recording good
Foil yes
Still simpler Bridge, Don’t do just see and hear and reorganize the body to support that
Bridge face covering not. Dressing center? not sure. Until you have changed hold back on performing? No choreography. here.
SaveBridge technique for Silver girl.
See, be seen, change into a costume.
Maria chalkboard needs to be down.
Maria meditation is not it yet. need you visually present. You disappear behindthe balustrade.
Bridge changing not in corner. The costume change is the dance. Yes at mirror. Moustache immediately.
Bridge yes to touch. Maria should be down and available for this. Yes to Glasses and what that does to your vision and touch relationship. Think of giving your self a feldenkrais session. Touching also the space and the objects. the glove needs to lead you into the space.
Jess could wait longer for switch to mannequin.
Really missing roller skating here.
Bridge back and forth from me to Mannequin is good.
39:00 Would like the Käse music or something uptempo about here.
43:00 mddle of Käse
In Dreams – Jess sounding??
Why are we all stuck right?
Jörg could come to me with arm
Bridge not repeat with ∆örg’s foam. need to find own object.. and it’s OK to leave space here. Come up??
Shadows against wall are nice, strange. distorted body.
bridge stillness in dark is good.
need Maria in space.
Counterbalance walk with underwear on legs is good.
Bridge pull pants down?
Blow job?
work this duet if it makes you happier.
counterbalances, touch, penises, soft manipulations, contact
Could this go straight into Lions? Maria enter?
Can glasses stay on?
Video Notes 2nd Half came in here
Bridge and Jörg Moustaches minimal
Bridge something about dancing, need to find more interesting quality here. and your own objects.
Video solos like during big music.
Bridget this dance is not it here.
Br- when lost Center is not the place to hang out.
Could have been an improv based on one of the choreographies here.
Problem is going from Jörg straight to ∆örg.
We just need to set the Red riding hood sequence and end with the glove in Jörgs teeth and his becoming an animal.
Yoann what are you thinking here for projection?? Strange close up obects in black and white are great. Object close ups?? hThis contrast stuff needs to be full stage.
19:58Bridge stay simple, stay with audience.
Space man needs much more time alone.
Bridge the dress needs a physicality, but not this one. and should stay away much longer. Would rather have you still than this.
Yoann Bodies on Mannequin is really freaky good
Jess needs towel.
Maria and Jörg should be alone and could start much later. More DS after cycling is finished.
Bridge in audience? Show Lee Bowery book?
Claire in tub
Jess shuffling how loud is it really? Maybe too much.
Jörg and Maria Duet can be silent?
Tulip is weird here I think.
Duet should get full focus
Mobile quote? I like it here. Are we allowed to quote ourselves from other pieces.
Does this need to end here?
Interview should go after Light My Fire
2nd Half Run thru -Video Notes
Bridge Good – Hand to pocket
B and Jrg Copy Score big yes.
Jörg neutral here? Leave Flower for strip in first half.
BR- Pointing habit not necessary. at each other good.
respnse to kiss? male? female?
Sit on toilet?
Transition to Lion Tamer can take longer.
Work mechanics of blocks – too close together.
Br- Work on swagger.
Set up lights as circus ring.
Bridge costume?? Shirt? Pants? Tape on Tits?
Maria- Shiny pants??
Don’t play only to front.
Animal quality is great.
Where is Claire through all of this.
Matthias more heroic??
Fridge light?
Lions End
How do we transition?
Go to full empty stage except for bike.
New Music for Claire Should precede Claire.
Maria in matter of fact body should come later. Let Magic space exist first.
Jörg as lion remaining is nice.
Not sure foil as space girl reads: Would need to be lit.
Focus on lights after Godzilla?
Too much neutral body in the middle Mariathis should wait til later in Claire –
make JM Duet in House facing other way.
Don’t begin so soon. Sit but wait until Claire is finished with Lights.
Jess Cuddle with Claire?
Bridge in Audience Make dance with someone on other side.
Jess/Claire find Space man Cyclist Dance.
make 3 ‘touching’ Duets
44:20 Like this music Matthias. Jangly strings.
Coming to boxes is somehow nice but could also be ‘edge of pool’.
M&J stillness
What object does silver Girl Resonate with?
What is her reltion to ‘the couple’ to the wigs?Does she get in between and confuse things??? Get involved spatially or in contact with them?
to the mannequin?
Recapture Choreo for Light my fire.
Claire shadow/morror boxing good.
Bridge, make this dance in and out of floor. or be a ghost that comes to softly touch everyone.
Inhibit frontal focus.
Jess begin falls slow.
Maria to Mic here?
Jess_ Spiral fall dance is
Jörg Trumpet in Audience?
Trying to connect to Claire.
Matthias I like the medical sound.
Maria nice mannequin move to replace you at Board
Still want your voice here.
Claire and Constructed Body is missing
Run through of Installation - Video Notes
Floor good – Br-Opening is flat on back neutral not sleep position.
10:00All good to here
Daniela – Presentation of objects??
Claire -Cushions dampening movement interest??
14:00Gazing Apparent –Bodies moving, good
Bridge Hat or Not? Reveal?
Jörg Broom good
20:00J. M. B, still sitting – I’m imagining you are all seeing audience. Eyecontact possible.
22:00Bridge still formal – not casual head scratches in center.
Don’t undress sitting/center. Wearing tights? Socks? Should have shoes to start.
Maria Good reveal of clothes.
Keep seeing during dressing.
Claire Godzilla should be from beginning in Audience I think.
Jörg parcours balance is nice. Why second T-shirt? should become Blue man sooner??
Bridge two gloves. and keep them on.
30 is dying.
Bridge feel Maria more (not literally) and sooner ( literally) Need to see the struggle to make contact. touch yourself is fine when alone, but when you are both there it needs to get between you.
36:00 - Jörg – Think you shoud already be in shorts for the big jump
38:00 – Bridge with Maria – Definitely both hands need gloves
39:00 like this build in sound.
Space should stay light.
42: 00 Maria video with Guillermo Text is good. here.
Bridge on Box movement.?? Less more living statue. More spine, Pelvis knees.
Bridge, don’t like socks shoes or feet. shoes I think.
video Figures with Bridge on box good. Is light reduction necessary here for video figure is better on screen with skeletons.
Hand over hand score possible here?
50:00 Feels long here. Bridge.
54: 00 Is Chair blocking Claire? Claire could come center with Crutches
Bridge fold my cock back or ask me to.
When in doubt more light. Area light unless the video needs to be revealed.
Maria – the man I love?? Why not writing this??
58: 00 Matthias all the cello is getting plink plonky.
1:00 - Bridge – Chair should go back to desk after Mannequin
What if you just repeat Käse several times and then fuck it up?
Bridge??? – Sitting would be OK at table, tolet or tub. Some traveling hereand work with Jörg on foam trickwith Gloves, don’t take of gloves lightly.
Claire crawling in walker is great.
tony/jess spike light focuses.
Bridge – Clap would work with both gloves.
Yoann – Jorg face on tower good. think sound not.
Jörg - what if you went straight to wall. with flower penis and Bridge joined you there.
1:29 big hole. Yes to Jørg and Bridge at the wall here straight away. Yes to bridge stay in the bathroom more.
Like the Music here.Distorted cello and voice, coul continue
Bike ride at 1:23
Yoann - Video Patterns on floor are verynice.
Bridge go to wall with Jörg first and join Claire later?
Tght spot on Claire for hands – Claire could you face opposite way
1:30 etc. Matthias – Like the distorted guitar over the the ukulele
Should go straight to wall Jörg if it’s in this order.
Cut profiler off floor for Claire hands thing.
What if Bridge was packing the Bunny.
Claire would be nice if Hands were happening in the house/square already
Yoann Hand video yes.
1:40this noise is too much. or?
1:45 – Lions
Bridge – ‘Hup’ and less.
follow spots here. Irene and
Matthias just press the button on this. and cut
do the whole thing in the corner at the fridge with lights around and to music.
Bridge don’t over macho this. more matter of fact.
2:03 Spaceman
Fridge needs to be plugged in and should have some color.
Yoann – head projection on space blanket here? at beginning? or follow spot on space blanket.
Claire can you see/ circle face. set the place with Yoann SL let Claire come to that
Faces as background light is great. maybe not text sound though.
Would be magical if we could control the on off consistently
Jess Close fridge??? yes
Still ness in dark is nice.
FS – need Light on couple?
Keep it facng in and really DS until you need to move to get clothes.
Less joke on knee pad etc.
wigs first thing
Improv is fun, trust it but keep it about each other. and more in proximity.
2:38 Rhythm sound not bad (tambourine.
Bridge work against the rhythm.
good ending at Fridge recalls lions.
Bridge feel the weight of the horns, let that be thae dance not just the picture on top of your normal dance.
2:43 Toilet Head.
Claire need to get in Tub here?
Light – Good with Flourescents at opening
20;00 First Move, Me –
22:00Jörg on rail - Light shift? Add stage lights?
Bridge Great at Mirror with hat off.
26:00 Jörg with Audience Dance
Light – Good catch of Bridge. etc.
Jörg Thanks for T-Shirt and Shorts. Good Arm timing.
Fun Arm interaction
32:00 Light Feels dark Missing front?
37:00 Bridgegood- Dcan Foreshadow lion a little , Contact dance through your hand with the difficulty of the Glove. the trace is great actually, leave it in more planes. No rush to come back and sit. feel the space.
Nice Chalkboard dance Maria. Doesn’t have to face front.
Better Sculpture dance bridge – Feel your insides and your joints. feel the inside of your clothes. Feel Matthias – While he plays. Need theme more. Butch vs. Femme??? De Croux Etude?? Wish you had the bunny in.
MatthiasWhat is flavor with Bridge? Could be more melodic
Bridge Make me hide my cock.
Nice Flower dance Jörg Müller
Nice Skate attack Maria
41:00 – 55:00 Not completely sold on cello here this whole way.
55:00 Kåse is welcome energy and makes good things happen.
Even if it’s fucking up. Rewind it if it needs to be longer
Bridge play with Bunny in tub?
SRFresnel When I go to Mirror.
1:02Jörgcould be more onstage, nice shadows be in front of mirror.
Fresnel off when I finish
Can’t find the right focus for side shadows for Jörg and
What is Bridge doing here?
1:06 Nice freeze and shift to bright light Tony (end of song.)
1:08 I like this sound Matthias –
Light - Fresnel Focus??? Let yoann work with projection.
Begin Follow spot focus on Claire (also on Maria still?)
Bridge Keep Bunnyand do the score.
Claire House Square is nice but if it fucks you up you can save it til Bridge leaves
1:10 Yaonn Mannequn good what is floor content. outlines are great figure and had on poster.
1:15 tony Once it’s this Dark stay - just bring special on Claire and maybe Maria (very tight.
Bridge, take more time with Jörg, this was very short, more time to leave Jörg and see Claire, find Claire, join small andstay between her and Mannequin US and a little behind. Light will be different.
Daniela/Irene: Clean the Mirror
Tony this should all just be dark, specials and projections.
1:19 Don’t need to rush transition to lions Maria and Jörg - Could watch the projections and Claire and Bridge for 10 more minutes.
¥oann. Faces big on wall are nice Patterns and mannequin and poster projection
How small will Irises on profilers go. Don’t need so big so much on floor in front of them.
I want to try Morricone for lions tonight on Bridge’s entrance.
Bridge take the time to shape the arc from Bike. Good physicalityBridge stay in light. Hup with energy
Tonysplit follows now (nce on boxes) one for lions one for bridge.
Definitely Morricone too much undercut dryness here.
11/18/10 -First Installation with public - Notes from Inside
This was definitely a new record for smallest audience for me. I have done improves in tiny studios for more people. I think the word is out that we are having problems and the installation moniker is confusing to people. I think we had 7 paying customers last night. Luckily everyone else on the crew and add up to about 10 people so we at least get to perform for someone. But OUCH. Maria was pissed off and wouldn’t even respond to reach outs. I hope that can get better.
Video Notes
Matthias Shaman- Maybe book end this.
Bridge – good stage tour – Should still begin with Maria, although I really liked the pat down at the table.
Yoann – Can face on Chalkboard just be Maria? Each person projection a trace in the space where they mostly work?
Tony – Spot on Maria already when she is writing before lipsynch
Skating in li[psych is great – great in general
Yes to this slo mo moment after song
Jess – remember re-focus of light.
Yoann Projection on Jörg’s tower? Jörg and Bridge faces on wall when they are there? Or maybe no face right then. Jörg face is good – MoustacheCould you somehow blend with Bridge?
I miss some of our objects in these patterns on floor
Tony- more light on Claire during hand dance. All the way through, She should be most visible thing here. Light should stay on her until she builds house. Lions can stay mysterious longer.
Bridge open fridge more.
Tony – light only on Maria not on board very tight and more on Claire.
Matthias take the spot light for Hupa song.
Tony flat light during after song??
Yoann – Claire face as moon from up left to down right to floor
Claire stay on your face..
Bridge balnce points for skull dance. What is the skull searching for, really listen to it.
Parade is great. Should I wait a little longer to come in or wait at fridge?
Yoann can’t see karaoke projection right away can we get it sooner and on the skeletons
Bridge Let’s think through the path of the skull –
leave skull for Light myfire.
Come back to get it for beat music.
Bridge stay off the beat bend your knees think spiral.
Jörg yes to lying on Gurney.
jess last dance with Walker?? Out of balance dance?
Claire you can hit me much harder. Bridge fend off with Horns?
Yoann – me dancing projection with skeletons??
Yoann -Maria at board at end.
Daniela fix fridge
Second performance run of Installation at
Small house but nice.
Video’d tonight? (Don’t remember)
Third night – good run – all tired.
David Elliott arrived.
Fabrik Potsdam Residency week
11/22/10 –
Load out Transport to Potsdam
Monday Night Talk –
Need plan – Good talk
Scary, people want to know what everything means and want things more simple. How do we compress those three hours into a stage length show.
Rehearsal 11/23/10
2-4 PM Work on last section
Maria & Jorg from audience,
Me and Claire,
Bridge in the audience with horns.
Toilet into Light my fire/ Light my fire dancing
Maria Writing on Board w/ Jörg on cart?
Jörg play trumpet from laying down????at end??
Do I talk over music or in between
Click Track Ekain
Music for Falling Dance
Yoann Dancers in skeletons, but same size as skeletons
Here should be Bridge and Claire with horns and gloves.
What my relation to each of the women??
Final Image???
Bach Song as Epilogue
Installation Score
Section 1
Claire, Object Delivery,
Crutch Sculptures,
Hand Improv, Hands with Bridge,
Slow Crutch
Floor, Yellow Girl, Bridge Interaction, Skating, Writing,
Section 3A
Maria and Jörg –
problematic heteronormativity
Section 3B
This is kicking my ass.
Maria Book under table is nice
Matthias Light and sparser through Jörg Müller
Bridge to box after Jög to Jess
Maria and Bridge both touch audience.
Jess and Jörg Arm stuff to get to Mannequin
Bridge Pose is nice
What is Maria doing?
Maria Swing on Rope
Maria’s face on board good
Jörg balance with shadows good
Matthias brings block good.
Maria video out when Maria begins to write.
Video Order from last Saturday
30:00Matthias up last, All Dressing
33:00 Matthias Ukulele music
34:00Jörg to Ritual Rest still Dressing
37:00 Jörg finished Ritual, Jess book to Matthias
38:00 Bridge to Maria
39:00 Bridge leaves Maria
40:00 Jörg center with Arm
40:30 Matthias start talking piece, but not too dense
Maria and Bridge both in touch land.
43:00 ∆örg finishes arm sequence
44;00 Jörg meets Jess for Arm stuff
45:40 Bridge on Maria Again
46:00 bridge pulls Maria around
47:00 Bridge releases Maria (could go to Käse now)
Davis version (for comparison)
14:00Jess up last to dressDavid stays center
15:25 Jörg finishes ritual
18:30 Jörg to center with arm, David to dressing
20:30 David at Maria, Jörg at Jess
22:30 Käse begins
23:00 Jörg Dresses, Dvid does Jess/Mannequin, Claire on Crutches, Maria Skates
25:00 Asian Music Jorg balances cylinder
25:30 Drums goes to Maria Circles
26:00 Horns maria pullsClaire
27:00 Mariafalls
27:30 - Jörg tower balance, Claire Hands, Maria writes, David Comes to Claire
28:00 Käse EndsPanzer begins
28:30 Jörg starts strip. Quiet Orbison begins
29:00 David arrives at Claire.
Proposal for Today for opening section
0:00Matthias up last, All Dressing
3:00 Matthias Ukulele music
4:00Jörg to Ritual Rest still Dressing
7:00 Jörg finished Ritual, Jess book to Matthias
8:00 Bridge to Maria
9:00 Bridge leaves Maria
10:00 Jörg center with Arm
10:30 Matthias start talking piece, but not too dense
Maria and Bridge both in touch score.
13:00 ∆örg finishes arm sequence
14;00 Jörg meets Jess for Arm stuff
16:00 bridge pulls Maria around
17:00 Bridge releases Maria (could go to Käse now)
Käse begins
18:00 Jörg Dresses, Bridge does Jess/Mannequin, Maria Skates Claire on Crutches,
19:00 Asian Music Jorg balances cylinder, Bridge to boxes
20:30 Drums goes to Maria Circles
21:00 Horns maria pulls Claire
22:00 Maria falls
23:30 - Jörg tower balance, Claire Hands, Maria writes, Bridge Comes to Claire ??
24:00 Käse EndsPanzer begins
24:30 Jörg starts strip. Quiet Orbison begins
25:00 Bridge???( arrives at Claire.
Proposal works
Second Session – Worked Bridge and Jörg in Red Riding Hood section went back to old David Toole version with bunny reveal
Then into Lions.
(I think it was this day that Matthias brought his whip and I moved him into the ring master role. Was such a relief the whip made everything work.)
Then worked -Hapa
Video Notes –
David -Poster too light, or too warm, No columns in opening cue, still needs more flat feel. we are too pretty.
Tony - End of house music is our signal for beginning, needs to be precise.
Matthias/Tony no breathing should be after 3 minutes and followed by
Claire come on first sound. come through lights.
David Slower fade in on lights after Claire, Matthias make second track for ccrickets
Music stand in first dark cue.
Level on volume on first vocal track
Claire a little sooner Crickets too soon or Claire too late. More music for her to exit.
David --Little slower restore on crickets
Set Level on Crickets it was too high.
How to get Claire back sooner. minute is too long.
Claire take Godzilla to tub at the end.
Gaps too long Viktor should be helping more.
Someone could get up sooner. me go to table on second
Claire – Some kind of more direct interactions after tambourine (ruffle my hair) suit to Maria
Bridge – Un Dressin front of mirror
25:00 light on Matthias
Matthias – presence Wig sooner?? Let us hear a little bit of the words
Jörg – Come quicker to me when you come.
Too much slo mo walking – Bridge can also be direct.
Light on me and Jörg for Arm.
Käse needs to change more sooner. 35:00 specials and Blue getting darker all the way to roy Orbison.
Maria Skate more center everything is on edges.
Bridge stay on one block.
Maria hit me from side or back.
Jörg come straight to tub
David - need tub bfront light in first riding hood cue.
Music is only arriving at the end of the scene.
Bridge let your hands build to meet and discover Claire.
Yoann Cheerleader here is great.
Really I want the Tactus Dei with Claire singing. could Claire improvise on a Drone.
Matthias what if went straight to guitar for red Riding hood and then morricone came out of it.
Bridge you can wait longer before changing
Guitar is way too serious for Lions.
The lions are ironid and this does not seem ironic at all.
and the ukulele makes no sense if the without the Morricone stopping too soon.
Lions should leave, this trying to sing is not working in the space needs to be something. Feels like bad amateur hour this way.
2nd Half1:20
Breath sound first as though from Bike. then Music should come with light. Light could be slower transition. Music should lead light change Need more music sooner. Claire needs for be ready. We need to grab them back leadBridge come from Back.
Breath also in toilet head.???
Sooner with light on duet(when Claire lifts up lights?)
Claire stay down after eating lights.
Longer slower fade up (2-3 minutes) after I am off bike.
Jess follow Claire sooner. go faster.
Tony make sure skype is muted.
Light on poster is nice during Maria and Jorg duet.
Matthias meet Claire at tub or already be there watching Jörg and Maria.
David – Light should stay on in Fridge as long as open.
Bridge stay in audience for beginning of song, then go back into US shadowy area. could you have one of the hands with you at this point. Could you arrive at back of fridge for end of song.
Jess come before end of song, be at Fridge by end of song.
CJess Cut text and just stay in bathroom spin, fall and dance.
Maria fall in spot Jess fall in spot, don’t undress. Bridge lay by desk in special
Jörg lay on Gurney,Matthias on ground next to tub.
Claire get up go to fridge pick up Godzilla and walk away.
David – cut anti blackout and do long slow fade as Claire exits.
Worked lights and sections
Amazing to get to work with tech on this level for the whole week.
Had momentary flip out over laundered feather dress.
David saved the day by making me gout for a beer instead of haning with the rest of the cast.
Tech run
Trimed and tightened. So much happier with new lions and getting the bunny back.
Dress rehearsal
Liking David’s lights a lot.
11/26/10Potsdam Preview
Major relief. Chopped 10 minutes out of the show from the previous run through. Feels like a show. Many good responses. Did it with an intermission through which I cycled. Sweat a bunch. New ending. good house. Nice comments after.
Video Notes
What should pre-show music be ? Lynch film references? Other references?
Why did we wait so long to start? Is this the 15 minute light cue? Let’s start at where this ends.
17:23 House music out.
20:00 Breathing starts
21:00 Music cue. Light cue should go sooner and first
Can we get more light on Godzilla ?
45:00 Jörg can you dress in a little more light.
46 Maria great timing on gurney take
Matthias on skating sequence??
Claire Crtuch tight rope game??
Jörg should have more light for strip
Really miss front light on Lions (Follow spot or special.)
Maria laugh is good.
1:13 Pause start
1:32 Pause ended
Bridge wait until after Claire for audience interaction.
be on opposite side and back from Jörg and Maria.
Yoann – Claire’s face could get smaller faster.
Jess stay on bike longer, until M& J Stand.
tulip on Jörg’s pants. good
Bridge get to back during Tulip sooner. Light is more interesting
New Direct path to toilet.
Light my fire dancing is great.
Wigs off is great
fight dance is great
M&Jget to board area sooner.
Jess go to center and then come back to bathroom.
Bridge and Jess Dance longer at end
Maria should have written much more and have time to get Mannequin
Matthias is that recording a particular late.
song is great.
Maria hit the light - mic?
Matthias and Jörg – how to die
Claire leave fridge openas last light?
Matthias computer screen?
Leave in Black until they clap
Great houses here in Potsdam. After show discussion quite interesting.
Wolfgang Hoffmann doesn’t quite like it. Says he doesn’t know where to look.
Last night in Potsdam.
Cold and starting to snow
Da Da Fest - Liverpool -Preview
Left Potsdam at night after last show, packed van and drove to Ferry to go to England. Everything OK with visas and permits at Border. But we get stuck on the motorway in a giant blizzard and spend the night in the truck. Arrive much later than planned in Liverpool.
Dead day, we can’t load in here yet.
Could have come a day later.
This festival is so badly organized.
Theater not at all appropriate.
Multi purpose room style stage, no rise in the seating.
One day for build up in sucky room
Show is nearly canceled when someone finds out there is nudity.
Community center director relents if we do a warning announcement.
Maybe 25 in audience
Mary Prestige there though, nice to meet her.
Show warmly received by the few people who made it here.
We strike and have nice hangout with Marc Brew and partner after the show.
I fly to Bonn
Matthias and Daniela Drive the truck home.
Everyone else flies.
Reconvene in Berlin in a week and a half.
Uferstudios Studio 14- Berlin World Premiere
Load in- decide on riser set up, dance floor, curtains
Hang and focus
(Crazy Snowing in Berlin)
Build up everything
Space dancing
Tony and Ben Program
12/16/10 - Berlin World Premiere
Show runs well.
Berliners don’t seem to quite get it.
Visual Artists and foreigners love it.
Second night OK
12/18/10 Ufer Studios Performance
Night three decent crowd.
Morale is mixed.
Video Notes
No sound on recording really
Matthias 1 minute breathing
Tony 30 seconds for lights music fade
Claire very long before second pass with objects
was it offscreen?
bridge – light move is your first touch experience.
Claire walker sooner – too in dark
2nd follow spot should be on Jorg w/ roller
Follow spot stay with Maria as she writes.
Great Shadow with Jörg strip dance.
Jörg can you stay longer wait til “Just before the dawn”
Bridge feel yourself in the tub??
B- How to make the mounting of the tower more of a dance?
Video could come 5 seconds sooner
Can Claire come from upstage door and follow light path to Godzilla?
why did video end??
Matthias center of circle for dressing
Bridge exchange coat for vest then bring hat.
2nd Act
Claire video only on space blanket until Godzilla is placed.
Claire this could all be 20 % faster. too much long slow and meaningful
Tony –Move video from Space blanket when she turns to Don’t get video stuck on half white and black.
Move bike to center of Balck curtain.
Bring up light on Maria and Jörg with first light lift.
Bridge stay for head stand – then back away, don’t come to spot until I sing.
Tony- 2 bows then black out we stay. 2 bows then we leave.
Andrea Keiz shoots video.
André Therriault and Gabi Beier leave at intermission.
After show - Great Party
Closing night
Good show
Pack up and load out.
Crazy day transporting everything to ship to Miami.
Tony, Ben, Mira and me bust ass to get out of the theater in time.
Finished day in a cab with Mira, lugging major shipping boxes all over town in deep snow.
Finally got it all off though.