Winter 2010

UC Davis Creation Residency 2010

1/11/10 First Rehearsal. 6pmU-Club

Present – Me, David, Maria, Jörg Claire and Kaino.  Dani (Dave's PA)
Everyone has arrived, Thankfully.  I am relieved.  Still a bit ofrearranging this week on the housing front.
Kaino brings home made fruitcake, donuts and Tangerines from her neighbors tree.

We open therehearsal with a 3 minute check-in go-round.  Feels a bit clunky at first, but actually nice once people get into it.  David admits to feeling a bit freaked out by the whole context of our symmetry installation at Keith’s Too Much Event last night.

Then a lot of logistical talk.  Dates and such.

We decide that each rehearsal will begin with45 minutes of individual warm-up.  Everyone will be ready for group movement activity starting at 6pm.

We take a break and Kaino takes photos of everyone.

I propose a 30 minute observation score. In partners each person is observed for 30 minutes and then doer and observer report to each other.

With Maria watching, JörgChanges clothes cries, and then takes off his clothes and turns upside down with his hair flying up off his head.

With David watching, Claire is very minimal and sits on a yoga mat and sort of stretches. gets up to put on her socks.rubs her knee

At 23 minutes Jörg gets up and leaves the room.

Other Direction>>

While Jörg watches Maria lays on mats a long time, moves against wall, does fire breath.

While Claire watches David Lies down, Walks to white board.  Moves onto block. Moves from Bech to stool to bench.  (Changing levels is beautiful. 

People watching people is beautiful.  How can we provoke the audience to watch each other?

Maria writes on Chalk Board the lyrics to “The man I love” and pulls down her pants.

Watching each other watching is beautiful.  (David watches Maria)

Maria removes words from the song.

David moves on to top of table and reads over my shoulder.

(david at edge of table is scary)  (table dance for later)

Maria is just fucking beautiful.  she quotes Café Müller.

David watches Dani?

I love David’s  T-Shirt “Wasted”

(Shirtology quotes?)

End in10 minute Free Write

Here is mine.  I am in love with these guys already.  Oh my god, that was beautiful..  I could invite people to watch that tomorrow.  The incredible simplicity of each of their presence was just stunning.  I may be just in a fucked up kind of sentimental mood, butthat was really exquisite. I need to do really nothing at all.

Jörg’s tears,  Claire’s eyes as she watched David, David’s face and the simplicity of his moving up and down between levels and just sitting on the table.  I must be losing my mind for sure, but actually no one but me really needs to like this piece.  I don’t have to sell any tickets.  There will be no real reviews.  I can explain away a weird moment of process to any presenters that happen to come through.

I loved that.

I wonder how my viewing as an outside outsider affected the proceedings?  I imagine so many different possibilities about this set up.  watching each other then everybody watching one person, then choosing an audience member to watch.  Copy?  Turn the theater inside out really.  (Fuck William Forsythe.)

I want Josh to make the Mondavi look like the U-Club. I want the audience to have the choice to follow people outside and walk into the space. David watching from the seats was good.  Jörg outside the windows. David with Maria’s hat on. 

I am really pleased.   I also feel a little sad.  It had a kind of sadness to it that I liked.

that seems like about enough to say here.  Quotes from Jerome Bel and Pina Bausch.

1/12/10 Tuesday – U-Club

5-6 Personal Warm-up

6-7 Sensing Score working through Proprioception, kinesthesic filters to be in movement and focusing on underlying sensations in the body that are not normally conscious.

 Then working through Hearing, Smell, and Vision as filters for shaping movement choices.

7-8 Break for Safety Training and Volunteer Form filling in.

8-8-30 Worked in Contact pairs rotating through each possible pairing with one observer at all times (Idanced with)

8-30- 9-15Worked on a making exercise.  Jörg/David and Claire/Maria.

Notes on Each

Jörg/David Duet

Not touching, Close proximity.  Working Spaces in between. Various Modes include David sliding under Jörgon all fours, Jörg jumping with David’s hands in between feet.  Jörgs behind David and whole game of hands moving through and around. Spooning image at end.  David pushes into handstand to avoid hand between legs.  David Jumping on hands and Jörg trying to emulate.  What is the meeting/meaning here?

Claire/Maria Duet

Approach facing each other. Attach heads. Arm gestures.?? find hoodie. Create Arm puppet with hoody (project) Re move hoodie Claire reverses and they move through space.

9-15 1015 Table Section

Reviewed material from Berlin.  Sitting around table passing claps then sounds, then layering a phase of counting with different tones.  We then moved into passing the 5 tones around the table in a star, which made the melody 1-3-5-2-4. Then layered numbers 1-4 over that then a four word phrase.  Brain Fuck but really fun.

ended with an improv trying to tell an improvised story around the table while maintaining the tone pass path.


5-6 Personal warmup

6-7 Jörg leads

Claire -Fun house Mirrors

Jörg – Opera Singing

Maria – Walk Across, Ask questions: What is your favorite animal? Favorite Tree?  Tell me something about being in love? Tell me something about growing old?

David- Chair circle - Pushups

715-830 talking/Moving - Sound into Contact

vocal mirroring into 5 way mirror in levels on one plane and then 5 way mirror score around the table.  Then we did say what you do Sound what you do into duets.

J/C , M/DNice Duets

8- 9 Half hour Watchings into Duet Makings

I gave the direction to not disallow direct engagements of the observer.


jörg plays trumpet while observing.  Claire sits eats and watches David as Jörg observes.   Claire moves on stage and reads her book.  “Bodies”I like this image.

J. adjusts his view point, gets very far away and then very close.


Maria watches first round. David goes for a wheel chair dance then moves over to table for a bit of a table dance and then interesting stuff climbing on an upside down chair.  Ends lying on the ground stretched out.

d/Mwings and heels,  “ tu me fai girar” karaoke in the kitchen.

c/J Trumpet in the courtyard and a construction project back in the space with a found hat rack.  J reads from ”Bodies.”  Maria enters with wig and brick on head as he reads.  too perfect J into closet.

J keeps reading as Claire plays piano.  Stuff about kids and photoshop loss of visual history.

Maria enters again with brick on head.  and Best of Life Magazine book

“knees are no longer to be taken for granted.”

J. French accent good.

books yes

 What if we had a chorus of watchers?  This last twenty minutes became really something.

9-10 voice and table

1/14/10 Production Meeting


Going well, meeting today


Seating set now.  Jake ready to start when he knows more about the set.


Nina’s Cargo Net is in process.  Daniel getting one from Travis AFB, Josh not at meeting.  I want funhouse mirrors and a table, Daniel will see what is in stock.  We will meet Friday at 3 for the cast to go through storage to look for interesting objects.  Spoke about installation event at U-club,  all OK no real need for tech support.


We have new SM Roz and ASM Paige. They and Josh and Jake will attend rehearsal tomorrow at 11:30

1/14/10 Costume Meeting/Pulling

Whole cast met in costume shop and went through stacks to pull fantasy costumes. 

Fun.  I got shp captain’s coat and hat.  Maria marilyn Monroe ish dress and wings.

David Elizabethan get up and Viking horns. Jörg Shiny Blue Suit,  Claire got a pile of stuff, but I didn’t really see what it was.

They will bring to U-Club but I need lock up capability, need to get key from Socorro.

I feel slightly overwhelmed with choices.

1/14/10 Rehearsal U-Club

Began slightly late due to costume field trip.

5-6 Individual Warm up

6-7 David lead through a process of enacting a happy childhood memory.

Maria sang with Yoga Mats as dress up costume. Jörg in bed listening to Radio with Parents.  Claire at Beach with her Dad.  Me in car on trip to Crater Lake alone with my Dad.

7-8ish Contact technique exploration

Manipulating Passive Partner, alternating Active and Passive roles, then alternating passive and active

1/15/10 Rehearsal U-Club 10 – 6

10-1045 Individual warm up

1045 – 1130 Maria Leads Group Activity

1130 – 1230 Showing/Watching Improv

Score – Watch at least half the time?  Begin in pairs, but can spit off to watch others, Watching is also valid performance activity.  Audience invited to follow whenever people leave.  Return to material from last four days.

If we have costumes you can play with some but don’t get too distracted by them right now.

1230 – 100 De-Brief Improv

1-2 Individual projects-

Maria – blonde heels, brick, Songs

Claire - ????Crutches used in different way than before? Corsette???

David – Table dance.  Story of Fake legs??

Jörg - ????  Books???? Reading??? Objects??

Jess – Tenerifa Dance Story of leg braces

2-3 Break

3-4 Meet Daniel in Scene shop

Look for interesting objects to interact with.

4-5 Table Work

Voice , pitch matching, rhythm word and image sequence practice

1/16/10Saturday, Rehearsal @U-Club

 10-11 Individual Warm-up

11-12 Claire Group activity – Crutches

Individual Use of crutches in Non-Traditional ways.

Crutch Puppets manipulating each other with crutches

12 -130Individual Projects

130-3 Break

3-5 Open Improv with Costumes and Props

Amazing Improv Set tons of Great images

Jörg Wass Duet Blue suit

Claire with Crutch Puppet

Sergio Leone Trio David/Maria/Jörg

Books on heads

Get on the Bus

Whole world in My hands

Death of the Author

Jess/Jörg/David Rhythm Dance 

Claire and Maria in Blue Sequins Supremes Duet

Jess and Jörg Trumpet Duet Angel Devil

David/maria Gurney Dance

David in Chains

Story/Image Line



Claire in Suit – plugged in Lights with Godzilla, Washing hands, eating lights

Jörg with

Jörg/Maria kids in the corner. Awe score Orgasm.  Open Mouth

Reading Alan Read 151


Crutch Duet Maria and Claire. Over the Rainbow

Jörg ventriloquist with David.
Death of the Author
What is the movement?

1/20/10 Rehearsal at U-Club

5-6 warm-up

6-8 Guillermo exercises


Triptych image exercise

Word Jam – This performance is/not

This performance is:




A sextet

Trees and squirrels


A movie


Challenging stereotypes

In gravitation

An open door

Free space

Imagining new bodies

Turning itself over

Fluid/ fluids

Looking for cows (in the footnotes)

This performance is not:


Knowing what it is yet




A competition


A bike race

Politically correct

America is:



Mixed up

Not what I thought it was



Like being in a movie

Wrapped in a flag


Drinking coffee

Cup holders

Sugar induced enthusiasm


America is not:

Aware of wine

Aware of lying

Aware of subtlety

Appreciative of sarcasm


Only black

Only white

Only red


My body is:




Slower than it was


Not as bouncy as it was

Stronger than it was


My body is not






Tall enough

Young enough



Thin enough


Only man

Separate from me

The images I remember I have created in the last days:

Climbing on a lion

Dancing with a mannequin

Being lion

Barefoot space man



Maria roller-skating in a blonde wig

Pretending to wear glasses



Jorg in a white wig and a blue suit

Clare with a cigarette

Clare in Maria in blue sequins dancing to disco

I do what I do because if I didn’t:

I’d still be postman

I would be married

I would still be living in Kilmarnock

I would have four children

I would be in jail

Somebody else would

I would have developed cancer because of the proximity of my mother

I'd be found face down in a river

I wake up every day and fight against my inner demons, enigmatic insects:

Fear of women

Hatred of men

The world

The world as I see it

Fear of being mediocre


The unknown


Longing for a belief


If I could do anything I want with this performance I would:

Make people feel more alive in their own bodies

Make people question their own perceptions

Offer my body to any one who wants to take it

Eat myself

Ride 20miles on a bicycle with the entire audience following me

Change identity 20 times

Improv Jam 8:30 -10

Jörg in blue

Maria in Fat Blonde Skating

Sitting on Chests

Sitting on Jess

Reading Alan Read at Table

Maria at Board

David in Black Glove

Claire in Fire Suit

Jörg Striptease/ Jess and David watch in Symmetry/Jess on Bass

David in Chains/Maria Skates

Maria Skates/Gurney/David Chair

Jess on Bike

David Red jacket.

Death of Representation, Militarism, sexual objectification, Colonialism

1/21/10 Production Meeting

My questions

Mondavi rehearsals?- not but maybe a visit.

Unplugged issues??

Costume long term. – Can work out to take them with us after Davis.

Make-up expert? – Jessica somebody we should meet next week


Sound System

Report from US


final fittings begin next Wednesday

PR – Janice

On track

Set- Josh

Exploded Art Gallery

When can we see, will show.


Laptop images for Nina?

1/21 Rehearsal U-Club 5-11pm

5-6 Warm-up

6-8 Guillermo exercises

Partner Gazing with Moving

“Raw Material” – See, Smell, listen, touch

Make an image with “raw material”

Make an image “ Non-Fictional Bodies”

Break – Kaino Food

830-10 Imrov Jam

Set up and did one hour jam

Limitations - Confined to center space and only one costume.

Jörg Blue Suit, David Red Jacket and Glove, Maria Fat Suit, Claire Grey suit(s)


 Claire and Jörg on Blocks,

Hand Improv

Maria Crying/Breathing at books

Gurney/Wheel Chair duet

Jess on Bike

De Brief –

Sort of almost meltdown at Bistro Bar,  Claire is feeling freaked about improvising publicly,  Freaked about improvising in general.  David wants to know what we are doing? 

Guillermo is encouraging in a way – Saying” you are not really directing, it’s great.”  But this feels a bit weird, especially coming from him.  Thank God for Jörg who is mostly ready to go for anything and willing even to push into weirder less formed territory than anyone.

1/22/10 Rehearsal U club 12-6pm

12-1 Warmup

1-230 Jess Group motion


Zambrano architecture

Dance “inside your body”

Make a move

230 – 345 Guillermo  

Repeat Call and Response exercise.

Performance is:

Showing your stuff
Place for failure
Spider in my bed
A form of control
My job


Performance is not:

Like being a postman
A marriage counselor

My community is:

My collection of books
The people who ride my bus
Non existent
On film
In my head
In my body

My community is not:

Easily described
One thing
Just people
Imaginary animals and friends

I am feminine when:

When I listen
When I talk
When I am only with men
In bed with my lover
When I slide
I’m in my head
I feel peer pressure
I talk too loud
I try to be standing
I interrupt
When I'm with the rest of the boys

If I could transform the world with my imagination there would be:

No cats
No white light
No computer
No cell phones
Enough food for everyone
Champagne would be free
Wouldn’t be cops, teachers
More singing
More hugging
No memory of Freud
Public transit everywhere
Processed foods
Easier to make friends
No judgment
Less violence
No stairs

Tryptichs, more visual, more meaningful, “Some aspect of yourself.

Improv Jam

Make a score for yourself and write it down without telling anyone else what it is.  Can include activities that require others, but you’re not allowed to tell before hand

My Score

Score for run through

Ride Bike

Breathe in Glove

Read Suzie Orbach

Foot Dance with David

Crutch on Neck

Pajamas on Gurney

Death of the Author

Sitting on Chest

Play Bass

Admiral Cap


Play Bass

Sing something

Actually Did

Naked in Audience

Naked at Table

Reading Orbach on Table with Keith performance reading style.

Bike with Globe and trophy,  Whole world in my veins


Crawl across space on back with trophy on chest

Gurney in Pajamas with

Get spun

Death of the Author
Text -tell the Moral of the Story.  What does it all mean,  What do you want it (the performance) to do?

Post run-through thoughts.

This was a good exercise,  we start to have a pool of returning images that re-inform each other in different ways as they return.  Guillermo’s work has definitely bumped up the level on visuality and symbolic content. at least for me and I think for the others as well.

Need to try

Everyone Starts Normally dressed, move toward fantasy images

Everyone make your best dance solo

Everyone make cool moves to create group dance.

Everyone make an image of your death.???

1/25/10 Rehearsal U Club

Warm up 5-615

Jess – Dance is??

Jess –Contact dialogs with Sound what you do

These were great and should be in the show somewhere.

Check in – Some more of the same.

All are tired, need two days off and less rain.

David starting to get it I think, Claire trying to hang in there on the improv material.

Improv Jam 845-10


Began with sitting in street clothes- keeper.

Crutch Bridge/Frame – Keeper

Hand Clap Sound score??

Jess naked in Audience -??

Reading Book Naked at table event- Keeper??

 Claire – Start in Grey Costume tonight save red dress for after fire man-

Jörg Afro wig better – Like blue thing on ground more than on tie.

David – Black Glasses better – Do we need more?

Black Glove to Jess (touch me would be strong)

Roz – need bike water bottle(s)

Maria costume change sooner
David – Light my fire - keeper

1/26/10 Rehearsal

Center Persona exercise

Each person gets 30 minutes with everyoneelse questioning and suggesting.

1/27/10 Rehearsal at U-Club

 Lost this one.

1/28/10 Rehearsal at U-Club

7-10 Improv Jam

Quick Notes from 1/28/10

3 hour improv -  feel incredibly sad. 

How do we find joy?  I am not afraid to make a sad piece.  A piece about loss and longing.  about letting go.  About what feels difficult or even impossible.

But it’s a challenge.

Can’t tell where the personal is totally overshadowing the art.  How much do I let in.

I liked our diagonal line to begin.
Gazing at the mannequin then Claire took it away.

put half a mannequin back in her place.

liked the books getting in there already.

Book dance??

How do we have an outside eye?  How can I be an outside eye?  Music?  need something up or we are going to kill them, and ourselves.

Death is a bit strong heredon’t need the piece to die for us

Riding is hard in shoes.  didn’t do the song and I feel like it loses the clarity of the image. image is clearer with,  has a point of view.

Costume installation?  was nice to do.

Jörg/Maria/ David trio was nice with nudity.

Feel like dyin.

 Jess torture felt strong.

Rowing Gurney into cooler was nice, with an audience I would have stayed longer.

got stuck in catatonia with Maria on Gurney 2nd time.

We are dark.

Multiple ipod’s were nice actually

Sad there is no live music.

Jörg playing with recording was nice.


1/29/10 Installation Performance U-Club

David adjusting me to match mannequin

Claire’s crutches in my mouth

Claire with shoes on Crutches

Claire Transporting stuff

Audience members with love glasses on

Maria tapes knee pads

Jörg with crazy lady dance  

Jörg and Maria Dance David as hippie

twirling Maria on gurney

Jörg red riding hood

Claire Kitchen crutche sculpture

Jörg feet manipulations

Jess on Gurney in Cooler

Davidblack hand and jörg red riding hood

ending with teabagging

Maria engages boy at table with book

Maria chubby go go girl on skates on block

Jess long rolling down hall

J/M/D statues on blocks

Maria lipsyncks sandman

Jörg is naked a long time

Sergio Leone Trio to staya little longer

Maria and Jörg discodance  

Maria skates

Jess on Bike goes to dark

Claire in Fire Suit arranges lights

jess and Claire Dance/ Guillermo speaks nahuatl

Maria asks audience to express their frustration

Claire fire suit as dress

David Chains across floor

Jess Dancey solo

Jörg squeaking clarinet to Jimi Hendrix

Maria tongue with Godzilla

David and Jess Floor dance 

Claire dances with Red Dress

Maria writes questions at Chalkboard

Interview Jörg with Translation

End lying down.

David and Jess Floor dancenotes

Sitting on


2/1/10 U-Club

Worked with Markers and Index cards to propose a sequence which came surprisingly coherently together.  Who knows if it will actually work and if any of these things actually are anything that anyone wants to really watch.

My own sequence is


Naked at Mannequin?? with Audience??f

Orbach Text??

Slow Rolling Dance with Maria

Death of the Author


Bike Man Powers Disco

Bike ritual

Bike Man with Astronaut

Bike Man with David Red Man Dance 



2/2/10 U-Club (Jörg’s birthday)

Warm up 5-6

Run through630-730

8-10 work on sections




2/4/10 Studio Theater Modavi

First night in the Mondavi.

6-7 Load in- Spacing Culled Set

7-930 Work Second Half

930-1030 Run thru

We have a draft that works, see excel sheet. at least in terms of being able to get through it.  There are lots fo things to work on, but that’s the fun of it.

thoughts/Notes from run through


Individual sessions

Run Thruough 6-830

Bodies are pre-show

Claire is go-show

Bring Black Gove in

Claire take hklto tub!

try line again

need light here not drama

need music under space man not normal Claire

Men working on 2nd entrance??

540 First Get up -Need to see faces here

Claire bring arm to Mannequin

Need General light here and lighter music

Jörg black pants wrong – jeans?

David/Maria Yellow and Jörg Jess Arm should be simultaneous and lit

Claire entrance good.  could get there sooner.

Jörg - Sock Dance too much  with Claire – get to Blue man Change sooner? and re-think this placement – Tub??

Big Gap in Crutch approach

Jörg and jess Dress and Undress???

David can you work my arms all the way up

Re place Mannequin SRDavid Go SR after Mannequin manip

Käse section

Claire up faster after Fall Can you get up and B- boya little more to the music

Re-placeClaire DS Jørg US David by me at Mannequin, Maria near board already

Jörg get to blocks for end of “number”

Claire leave it a pyramid – less crutches

Strip Tease not its own section. Overlap with Dreams

David sleep in Pyramid - Claire Bring  Bunny with Fire Suit - to tub (with fire suit ?)- And then take Crutches.

Should glove come with Fire Suit???


Notes 2/7/10

Gurney for middle

Shave yes

Robe in Fridge. - What else?

Breath in more places

Longer sound in Dark B4 Claire Entrance

Claire bring fat suit to Maria

Claire and David need interaction before “In Dreams”

Claire bring Godzilla (To Fridge??)  in Bike/Space Leave open to light David/Chains

Claire Dance – Six Crutches yes,  warm –up moves yes, Conjure the space.

Final Dance/Die –in?????  Kool-Aid in the fridge??  Champagne??

Video Notes

4:29 Claire first entrance

Light – meeds to be long fade for first Claire Is there a bit of light on mannequins 

breath sound yes – could be more.

Strike the pale panels if they

Claire first change too long -  walking beautiful – good leg placement

moving light??

choreography of waking upbe one of 4 pretty good.  could be a little more often

K- Jörg’s pants

L - I am out of light??

C- Something for Sound 2n d Carry

C- fat suit to Maria

D- Neck Strap on Glasses?

M- Changing next to board is good.

J- Shoes first. Parallel w/ Maria good.  Formalize more.  maybe turn around.

Jörg – Change when?  Can you slightly sooner so mor overlap with me

Claire – circle David with Chain

Sound good – Maybe too much werft (really a question) for Jörg or maybe not

19:37Corner duets

jake Can we pick out corners during M/D, J/J

Claire one more pass with objects and make it more stylized

M- Jorg dressing sooner bring individual objects from the gurney right away.

Matt – Käse should start with Skating

Have to work this whole section

Jörg silly stuff first.

Jörg - Undressing by the chimes –

Maria write during

Claire Spiral Cross really good

David come to meet Claire Center not Crutches – Crutch puppet manipulation?  Investigate her.

Light to Maria first – then MusicJörg Awaydon’t need you naked let’s get a G-String

End of song just Maria and David

Maria not Mike stand but Chalk thing

Need to work this Transition to Lion Tamer

When does the light change?

J- Great bunny reveal

Need light for David’s head on lift

Pause at waist on the way down

David Turn towatchJörg Müller before change –

Timing on Sound cue for Morriconehappens when David is Center

David should reveal gold out fit on first Music.

Jörg Flat back more flat

David see them now

Moving light need sto be there already

Should flat cover entrance like for Nina’s?

Light in Fridgefor Godzilla then light David beginning,

Yes Breath in this – Claire Bring Godzilla(to fridge?)

then work your way back from the bike down the light strand to build something with the lights

2/9/10 notes

Jess Entrance for bike sooner

need light on bike

good breath cross fade for end of lion

good active hands David

Cue for Claire vocals??

Fridge opening, david changing??  off stage>>

leave fridge open

Claire walk to end of string.Stay US Form into circle around yourself or spiral

Wrap around your body?? Form into something then eat put on Zimmer frame??

leave suit at Gurney

Light - Maria pass at same level as David?? Need to write this

Maria travel more sooner

breath at end

Light – light my fire in Spots still until dance break and then to line

slower in steps mariarehearse timing

David undress Claire from Suit.

Claire go to dress in Underwear??
Choreography works
I died at same time
go to Flat Light look in transition to Red Dress and maybe once afterward too. as Claire dances

Can we get a second mike stand for Claireuiop
Claire Material

Grey Suits- Crutch Puppet

Fire Suit - Science Fiction – Bodies of the Future.

Maria Crutch Manipulation and head Duets

Red Dress Crutch Puppet

Crutch Dance Solo – Square Dance - Canoe

Blue Sequins Duet/Disco/Singing/Dancing??

Music-Songs- Vocalization at the Mike

Singing from Off

Jörg Material

Blue Man w/ Wass

Strip Tease

Trumpet Music

Sergio Leone Trio

Jörg playing Miles

David Material

Black Hand/Red Suit Man

Skate w/ Maria

Floor Duet with Jess

Reds with Calire

Top Hat gold Vest Man


Sergio Leone Trio

Light my fire Karaoke

Maria Material

Skating in Fat Suit

Writing on Chalk board explicating

Question asking

Zizek Text

 “The Man I love” with Removals

Contemporary DanceSolo

Sergio Leone Trio

On Skates with David.

head and Crutch Duets with Claire

Jess material

Bike Stand w/ lights

Crutch Duet w/ Claire

Little bike – Whole world song

Orbach text/

Dead Author

Floor Duet with David

Long Slow Roll down hall – Solo

Long Slow Roll down hall – With Maria


David and Maria on Skates

Claire and Jörg Crutch Gazing

Claire and Maria Crutch Puppet

Chest Sitting??

David and Jess- floor Dance  

Claire and Jess – Bike/Lights Fire Suit.

Jess And Maria slow roll

Group Material

Opening on Floor

Sitting at Table Passing

Sergio Leone Trio

Closing on floor

Jörg/David/Maria on pedestals.

Musical material

Claire Song(s)

Maria -Queen Lip synch sing-a-long

Maria “ Tu me fai Girar”

Trumpet w/ Miles recording

Trumpet Duet

Trumpet and Bass

David “Light my fire”

Jess“Whole World Song”



Jörg as Blue Man/White wig

Maria in Fat Suit/Skates

Claire in Fire Suit

Jess on bike


Material Ideas

Chorus of watchers

4 manipulate one.

Jess Gomera dance 

Jess on Bike

Material manifested at least once

Maria “Man I love” on white board

Maria “Tu me fai girar” lipsync

Maria Blonde with brick on head

J/D Duet

C/M head Duet -

Table Rhythms

Claire reads book

Jörg reads book

David Table Dance

Crossing space in Contact asking question

Allison Wyper
I am an interdisciplinary artist with over a decade of experience providing administrative, marketing, and production support for artists and creative professionals nationwide. I founded Rhizomatic Arts to provide affordable professional consulting, training, and services to independent creatives and small companies. Rhizomatic Arts takes a holistic approach to creative sustainability, supporting the cultural eco-system on a grassroots, person-to-person level, empowering artists to take charge of their own careers within a supportive network of peers. Our Sustainability Network connects creatives with skills and resources to share, via a mutually-supportive gift economy. Our motto: "work independently, not alone."

Prep, Fundraising, Research


Fall 2010